Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Watching America

the following is excerpted from the "about" information on the site.
"WatchingAmerica reflects global opinion about the United States, helping Americans and non-Americans alike understand what the world thinks of current issues that involve the U.S. This is done by providing news and views about the United States published in other countries.
It is not our purpose to find favorable or unfavorable news and commentary, but to reflect as accurately as possible how others perceive the richest and most powerful country in the world. We have absolutely no political agenda.
WatchingAmerica makes available in English articles written about the U.S. by foreigners, often for foreign audiences, and often in other languages. Since WatchingAmerica offers its own translations, regular users of our site will be able to enjoy articles that are not available in English anywhere else. We are a unique window into world opinion.
In addition, by integrating the latest translation technology into the site, visitors are able to surf all of the content of foreign-language news outlets at the push of a button - in English.
The site is updated frequently.
We hope that the insights gained through reading various perspectives on American issues will help to raise levels of debate, open minds, and promote understanding among all the peoples of the world.
If coverage of an issue, on a particular day, surprises or irritates you, please remember that we are simply reporting what is out there, and trying to show the fullest range of views from around the world. We do not endorse any of the content presented, or imply anything about the motivation behind, or accuracy of, the original sources. Sometimes, the content we present on a particular issue may appear one-sided . In such cases, rest assured that Watching America does not seek to influence opinion by selective presentation but that sometimes global copy is dominated by a particular perspective that may fall outside the spectrum of debate in the United States.
Watching America has no affiliation with, nor funding from, any organization or corporation. We intend to cover costs by running ads and receiving donations."