Saturday, September 30, 2006

Human Rights search engine

Hurisearch is a search engine for human rights information. In its own words.....

  • It gives you direct access to the content of over 3000 human rights websites. Currently over 2'300'000 pages have been indexed.
  • It filters out the non-relevant content: only the pages from websites with a main focus on human rights are indexed.
  • It provides fresh information. The crawler visits all sites periodically. The frequency depends on the type of organisation: every 24 hours for the Intergovernmental Organisations, National Human Rights Institutions, and Academic Institutions; every 8 days for the NGO collection
  • It uses powerful drill-down techniques which become indispensable for in-depth searching: search by language, by organisation, by country, and more.
  • It instantly analyses search results and recognizes the prevalent human rights themes - suggesting new and useful search directions.
  • It prominently displays information produced by local grassroots organisations who often produce very relevant first-hand information (these important sources are lost by larger non-specialized search engines).
  • It is completely independent from political or commercial interests - this is guaranteed by HURIDOCS.