Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Thomas revamp

Here's something I lifted from beSpacific, who lifted it from SLA

THOMAS Releases New Features in Beta

Peggy Garvin posted this information on the SLA Government Information Division blog about the new features as follows: "The THOMAS legislative information system from the Library of Congress has posted beta versions of several new features. The direct link to the new features being tested is -- or you can click on the Explore new features link on the main page to check it out.

New capabilities being tested include:

  • Search all THOMAS databases for all congresses with one search.

  • Sort search results by document type (bills, committee reports, etc), relevance, or date.

  • Navigate and refine searches with new options on the search results and document display screens.

  • THOMAS includes a link to offer comments on the new features. Before doing so, be sure to read the helpful section About the New THOMAS (Beta) and--in particular--the helpful FAQs."